On this page is an overview of the school holidays in Poland in 2019. Please pay attention to the substancial differences per region and/or community during the Winter Holiday. During the Winter Holiday the schools in every region are closed for two weeks in the below mentioned period.
Classes end on the last Friday of June. School activities start the first weekday of September. When the first day of September is on a Friday or Saturday, the lessons start on the first Monday after 1 September.
The management of a school or institution is allowed to plan extra days off in a given school year, depending on the type of school:
- 6 days – for primary schools, vocational schools, post-secondary education and institutions of vocational education and secondary education centers
- to 8 days – high schools,
- 10 days – secondary schools, lyceums, colleges, universities
School Holidays Poland 2019
Below are the dates of the Polish school holidays 2019, as far as officially published to this date.